It's in the previous post. It’s the first new piece audio that I’ve made since Mystery Show.
I really liked making it. I hope you like it too. It’s only nine minutes long but put such care into it which is what I’ve missed doing. I love audio. I love editing. I love moving tiny pieces of sound around until it all clicks into place. I would like to make more. I want to believe that it’s possible to do it on here, the way that I do it.
Once I’ve made a new piece, I’ll unlock the first post. For me to make more though requires initial support that allows me to devote the time to it. And clears up some mental space that right now is devoted exclusively to worrying about how to make any semblance of a living. I have no other funding beyond this page and my Patreon page. You can subscribe to either one and I’ll make sure you have access to both. I’m asking you to take a leap of faith. Like that invisible bridge in Indiana Jones that he had to throw sand on to see.